Thursday, September 18, 2014

Small is Big is Small: The Fractal Nature of Reality

Everything we find in nature is a fractal, fitting into bigger and bigger replicas of itself, endless patterns, projected all around us like a hologram.  The mandala is a classic example of a fractal conceptualization of reality.

There is mimicry from one system to the next, such as a solar system being a mini-galaxy, and life composed of smaller life down to the molecules; atoms seem to act like solar systems; yet it's all just energy.

Like a fractal, every tiny piece may vary in the amount or angle of light reflected, yet all are made from the same material.  No matter how far or how close one looks, patterns emerge, arranged in particular order to form a unique expression.

Humankind is a species composed of many, many different cultures further divided by local customs, language, and traditions.  Yet all the myriad variety are still recognizably human and can inter-breed to mingle their particular configurations, creating new human patterns in appearance and behavior.

If you grasp this so far, then keep reading; if not, my apologies, as sometimes what comes from mind to fingers isn't identical.

If all these systems are reflections of themselves in all varieties, then this perspective should be logically possible for systems greater than our own.

If there is a spirit world, for instance, might it have its own pattern of fractal realities?

Greater still, would we constitute but a part of this fractal reality?

Are we a single tile in the human mosaic?

Is humanity a single tile in the mosaic of Earth?

Earth part of the Sun, the Sun part of the Milky Way, and perhaps, ultimately, the Universe part of the multiverse, one among an infinite fractal dimensional reality.

It is evident that reality has an underlying, inter-connected web based on the fundamental energy of reality.

We see it, experience it, all the time.  When we notice it, we marvel at the coincidence; when we die, we think about everything that's happened in our lives.  Everything that we see as reality is composed of atomic Lego blocks, which are just particular configurations of energy.

How can we, using basic reason and logic, assume that there aren't a limitless number of life-forms, time-lines, dimensions, and so forth.  Our own experience of reality shows us a seemingly infinite variety of forms and systems, part of a fractal reality beyond our current understanding.

There is no sane argument for saying our personal experience of reality is the only possible one.

It also implies there's no right way, no perfect way, to view the fractal; from afar, it is a mirage; up close, a clash of light and shadow.  Shift perspective, and the reality within reality remains intact, only the experience of it changes.

This questions the boundary between what science tells us of reality and what we experience.  A great deal of stress is placed on time and randomness when leaning on scientific reasoning; patterns emerge from chaos over time, and those patterns best suited to an environment continue to grow.

Yet patterns appear in human behavior, history repeats itself, families exhibit traits and carry on traditions--behaviors which is attributed to free will, to choice.

If patterns emerge from random chaos and from choice, then how can we know if reality didn't originate by choice (e.g. a creator) or our current reality isn't just chaos without choice?

Given the patterns of reality, might energy itself be able to choice since we are just energy?

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